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    Lexington Herald-Leader is pleased to provide this opportunity to share information, experiences and observations about what's in the news. Some of the comments may be reprinted elsewhere in the site or in the newspaper. We encourage lively, open debate on the issues of the day, and ask that you refrain from profanity, hate speech, personal comments and remarks that are off point. Thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts.
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    Chynn is no stranger to being in the news. He made headlines a few years ago for being the "creepy Craigslist doctor" after he posted an ad for a rent-free apartment in Manhattan available to a woman who would walk on his back for an hour a day, feed him and help him find a wife. His wife search also went viral when an email to a matchmaker got into the wrong hands, which he talks about on his practice's website.
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    Among them is Jeff Merkley, a soft-spoken, first-term Democrat from Oregon. He took to the Senate floor Wednesday to declare that goodhearted dialogue and understanding have not been enough to cure the repeated abuse of the filibuster.