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buy elocon online europe Weighing less, it???s possible to comfortably hold the mini for longer with one hand than you can an iPad Air. The diminutive mini can easily be slid into a coat pocket or a purse. The iPad Air? Not so much. Having both the mini and the Air on hand for a week, and loaded with identical applications, I found myself reaching for the smaller of the two tablets more often than not. It was a better choice for couch surfing, reading, gaming in bed or the checking Twitter on the loo (admit it, you???ve done it too). The only time I found the iPad mini???s smaller size to be a detriment was when I needed to type on it. Where hunting and pecking out an e-mail on a 10-inch tablet display can be bothersome, doing it on a 7.9-inch model can be an exercise in frustration.